Childcare Support Underway

Over 600 childcare centres who are clients of Childcare Centre Desktop (CCD) will benefit from a customised version MyPLgoals.

Mark Evens, founder of CCD will champion the delivery and roll-out of the CCD-MyPLgoals service in the coming months.

With educators in the childcare industry facing greater regulation and compliance requirements, MyPLgoals will support educators to improve professional standards and meet compliance requirements in a time and cost effective manner.

Mr. Evans is confident that this solution will save educators in his client base hundreds of hours of work, so that their time can be better used to focus on the children in care. 

Mr. Evans said; “I think passion for a job can often be sucked out when we overload people with administrative tasks, and I see MyPLgoals as helping to relieve that pressure and bring back the joy of working with children.