As an educator, you know that teachers make the single greatest contribution to student achievement; greater than any other aspect of schooling. It is the quality of teaching that makes the greatest difference to student learning.


Create your Performance and Development Plan to guide your professional learning for the year ahead. Create and map your learning goals to school, career and accreditation aspirations.



Implement planned strategies and professional learning whilst easily referencing your online Performance and Development Plan goals and learning portfolio. Quickly annotate and capture evidence of your professional development as you progress toward your professional learning goals.


Your professional learning can be formally and informally reviewed by coaches/mentors, supervisors and principals with whom you choose to connect. Easily review their feedback and your evidence of practice to reflect on your personal teaching, leadership practices and professional learning goals.


Collect and manage evidences and artefacts to record your learning journey using MyPLgoals and produce a range of reports at any time, saving hours of work collating, printing and submitting documentation. MyPLgoals also allows you to effortlessly transition your professional learning and accreditation portfolio from year to year, school to school, job to job.